Tutorial 5 – 23rd of February

In this tutorial I spoke about the meeting I had with Alex from YCIALM and informed Ben that he had approved the playlist on behalf of the band. I then showed Ben the initial research I had found on Smashing Pumpkins’ 1979. I also mentioned that the band and I had had to rearrange our recording dates to the 1st of April due to studio availability. My target for next weeks tutorial was therefore solely to focus on the research side of the project and to update this blog.

Tutorial 4 – 16th of February

In this tutorial I showed Ben the updated learning outcomes and presented them formally. He agreed that that were fine and I was able to begin the project fully. I showed Ben the influences Spotify playlist that I had created in the week and he said that it was fine. I informed Ben that I was organising a meeting with Alex, drummer of YCIALM for the next week and mentioned that I would be starting the research on the tracks in the playlist as soon as it had been approved by the band.

Tutorial 3 – 10th of February

This was my first tutorial with Ben and I informed him of what my direction for the project was and how I was going to do it. I showed him the newly-made blog which contained my learning outcomes that I had shown Dave. He agreed they needed changing slightly which I did for our next tutorial. I also notified him of the recording dates which the band and I had agreed to, which were the weekends of the 4th and 11th of March. We agreed that this gave me a lot of time in order to do all of my research before needing to record anything. Ben informed me that it would be beneficial to create a Spotify playlist containing tracks that sounded similar production-wise to YCIALM’s previous work and that I wanted to research as part of the project. For the next tutorial I was to have updated my LOs and made a playlist.

Tutorial 2 – 3rd of February

In this tutorial I informed David that the band had got in touch regarding booking some dates in March for recording. I showed Dave the initial leaning objectives that I had come up with and he said that they needed tweaking to become a little more objective, which I would do for next week. Dave told me that I’d be seeing Ben Selway as my tutor from that point and arranged a meeting between the two of us.

Tutorial 1 – 27th of January

This was my first tutorial of semester B and it was with Dave McSherry. I informed him of my communication with Your Cat is a Landmine and the intention to record an EP for them for my audio project. The feedback I got was that it would be good as a project and that I needed to communicate with the band in order acquire the key information about the EP I’d be recording and possibly set up a date to meet the band. We also discussed the blog and what I would like to do as learning outcomes.